Powerprint 250ml

Powerprint 250ml

$ 28.95
In-stock : 23
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Product ID : 5425009960288

Product description

Transfers images printed from a laser printer or laser photocopier to canvas paper, carton, fabric, ceramic, metal and Powertex treated surfaces. The surface should be a light colour and perfectly dry. Any photo will come out as a Mirror image, so you need a reversed version of the image. With a brush, paint a layer of Powerprint (the same thickness) on canvas or another object, and a layer of Powerprint onto the image side of the laserprint. Turn the image over, on the surface and press down very firmly using a roller or a dry sponge. Dry the image with a hair dryer for 10 minutes and let it cool. Then, with a damp sponge, remove the paper layer. Finish your work of art with other prints or acrylics.
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