High Flow Medium Golden 1oz/30ml

High Flow Medium Golden 1oz/30ml

$ 7.99
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Product ID : 738797915114

Product description

High Flow Medium [formerly Airbrush Transparent Extender] in­creases the transparency and film hardness of High Flow Acrylics. May be mixed in any ratio desired, for precise control of transparency.


Mixing Directions
High Flow Medium can be blended with GOLDEN Airbrush Colors or High Flow Acrylics in any ratio desired, allowing artists to precisely control of the transparency of the colors. These attributes are very important for techniques such as shading and smooth gradations.

High Flow Medium can also be used with any of the GOLDEN Heavy Body, Fluid, High Load, and Iridescent & Interference Acrylics. When the mixture of Paint and Airbrush Medium exceeds a ratio of 1:2 or more, High Flow Medium can be added to further thin and extend. This will keep the retarder level balanced for a quicker drying film, without sacrificing sprayability . GOLDEN Airbrush Medium is useful to make products spray better, but it can quickly over-compensate the amount of needed retarding agents. Such an overload will hurt the drying and increase the likelihood of Frisket pull-up (see below).

Blending Suggestions
Stir gently to ensure homogeneity before blending with GOLDEN Airbrush Colors or High Flow Acrylics. Also mix Airbrush Colors and High Flow Acrylics according to label directions before blending with High Flow Medium. Any ratio of High Flow Medium to Airbrush Color or High Flow Acrylics can be used. Generally, a ratio of 5 to 10 parts High Flow Medium to 1 part (by volume) Color is a useful starting point to yield adequate transparency. Careful blending is required to minimize foam generation, as excessive shaking or stirring readily entraps air bubbles which may result in surface defects.

Water can also be used with High Flow Medium and the Airbrush Colors or High Flow Acrylics, but doing so will reduce the sprayability and frisket performance that High Flow Medium enhances. When using water with High Flow Medium, a 1:2 ratio of water to High Flow Medium is the maximum amount of water recommended.

Spraying Iridescent and Interference Colors
Beyond the Iridescent paints offered in GOLDEN High Flow Acrylics, GOLDEN also has a broader range of both Iridescent and Interference colors in Fluids and Heavy Body, and both of these can be reduced with High Flow Medium for spray-applications. Generally, the Airbrush Medium is recommended for reducing Fluid Acrylics, however, testing has shown the reflectance to be higher when High Flow Medium is used instead. The lower level of retarders in the Medium will allow for faster drying times when spraying larger areas with an even film.

Frisketing/Masking Techniques
When frisketing is of critical importance, GOLDEN High Flow Medium should be used to extend the Airbrush Colors and High Flow Acrylics. This combination dries more quickly, friskets extremely well, and has excellent spray performance. GOLDEN Airbrush Medium also functions as an extender for Airbrush Colors and High Flow Acrylics for applications requiring greater transparency and greater open time (slower drying). Because of the slower drying, using the Airbrush Medium with the Airbrush Colors or High Flow Acrylics may result in poor frisket performance (color pulling up with the frisket or mask), unless the film is completely allowed to dry.

Drying Recommendations
When frisketing or working with loose masks, allow adequate time for the paint film to dry and refrain from using excessive force during frisket application. Generally, a 10-minute drying time is recommended; however, this time can change dramatically in relation to climatic conditions. High humidity (greater than 80% RH) and/or low temperatures (less than 60oF) will slow the drying process. Low humidity (less than 40% RH) and/or high temperatures (greater than 80oF) will speed the drying process.

Use of a hair dryer or heat lamp can be used to shorten drying times, but exercise caution as excessive heat can warp the illustration board, and/or create air bubbles under any frisket in place, or interfere with film formation and yield a fragile film.

General Information
Paint on any non-oily surface. Non-absorbent surfaces should be abraded for increased adhesion. Clean tools with soap and water. Keep tools wet during use. Do not allow the product to dry in airbrush. Clean airbrush with water, ammonia/water, alcohol or miscellaneous household cleaners (however, consider the effect of cleaner on airbrush parts, such as rings and seals).
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