Fluid Acrylic Golden 237ml (8oz)

Fluid Acrylic Golden 237ml (8oz)

$ 39.99 - 41.99

Product description

The GOLDEN Fluid Acrylics have a fluid feature with the same intensity and quality as the GOLDEN Heavy Body Acrylics. The range is useful for dry brush application, fine details, pouring, spraying (particularly when mixed with GOLDEN Airbrush Medium), staining techniques and many others.

It allows for fluid applications while maintaining color intensity, dye strength, film integrity and grip.

Fluids blend easily with all acrylic colors, and readily tint gels, mediums, gessoes and grounds.

Fluid Acrylics are extremely versatile, and ideal for fine brushwork, glazing, staining, water media techniques and many more.

Mix Fluid Acrylics with Airbrush Medium for airbrush application of artwork including textiles.

No texture additives or dyes have been added to achieve the desired consistency, and the quality of fluidity is achieved without adding water.
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